Yes you read it correctly, it is not a typo. This is a cake made of cupcakes!!
I chose to prepare this recipe from the blog, El Horno de María, to unite in mourning with other fellow bloggers who will also be posting recipes in memory of our deceased blogger friend, Mayte. My condolences to her family and friends
I am pleased to know that this recipe is over 50 years old, and it is one of many variations that Mayte’s grandmother prepared for her husband and children. The way this cake is prepared and it's flavor transports me back to the past. I could imagine my grandmothers preparing something like this as well. What I most liked is that it has a nutritious filling made of a vegetable making it a delicious and healthy dessert. Its taste is exquisite, the proof is in my daughter Ruby, she does NOT like to eat carrots in any form, yet she served herself twice of this dessert.
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Carrot, Coconut and Cupcakes Cake
Recipe from, El Horne de María’s, blog.
- 1 ¼ pound clean and chopped carrots
- ½ cup sugar
- 2 cups grated coconut
- 8-10 cupcakes (see note b)
- ¼ cup brandy (I used 1 teaspoon of vanilla) For the Syrup:
- 2 cups water
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- ¼ cup brandy (I used 2 teaspoons of vanilla) For the Meringue:
- 1 cup + 2 tablespoons white granulated sugar
- ¼ cup water
- ½ cup egg whites (of 3-4 eggs)
- ½ teaspoon vanilla
1. Cook the carrots until they are very tender, drain and make a puree. Add the sugar, coconut and brandy; mix. 2. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup with water and sugar about simmer for about 5 minutes. Add liqueur and continue to simmer a few more minutes. It should be a light consistency and not thick. 3. Cut the cupcakes into slices (I cut them in three sections). In a round mold, accommodate the first layer of cupcakes, and bathe that layer of cupcakes with the syrup to your taste. Note: when turned over this it will be the top layer of the cake. 4. Top with half of the coconut and carrot puree, place another layer of cupcakes, bathe with syrup and cover with the remaining puree. Placed the last layer of cupcakes on top and again slightly bathe with syrup. 5. Cover the cake with something that will separate it from the weight that you will put on top. Note: I cut a thick round cardboard the size of the cakeand and covered it with foil. 6. Press cake with about 12.5 lbs (5 kg) in weight and let stand overnight or at least 4 or 5 hours. 7. When ready, turn the cake over and place in serving plate. It should come out easily. 8. Prepare meringue and garnish to taste. Follow direction to make meringue: HERE. Notes:
a) I recommend you see the step by step in pictures in Mayte’s blog: HEREb) Depending on the size of pan you used you made need more or less cupcakes. I used a 10" spring form pan and used 18 cupcakes. You could use my vanilla cupcakes recipe.c) This recipe calls for meringue to decorate cake, but you could use any frosting of your preference, keeping in mind it should go according with the filling. Whipped cream will be ideal.
a) I recommend you see the step by step in pictures in Mayte’s blog: HEREb) Depending on the size of pan you used you made need more or less cupcakes. I used a 10" spring form pan and used 18 cupcakes. You could use my vanilla cupcakes recipe.c) This recipe calls for meringue to decorate cake, but you could use any frosting of your preference, keeping in mind it should go according with the filling. Whipped cream will be ideal.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 10 servingsEn español: AQUÍ
"..There is no substitute for the absence of a loved one, so do not even try it;" We must simply bear the separation and resist. At first this seems very hard, but at the same time, it is a great comfort. The unfilled void is left then becomes a link for union … On the other hand, the more richer and beautiful are the memories, the harder it makes the separation. But gratitude changes the torment in the memory in a quiet joy. One does not carry past beauty as a sting, but as a precious gift." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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