Showing posts with label Kitchen Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen Tips. Show all posts

Kitchen Tip: Tidy Meat!

The weather is scorching hot here, and I really wasn't feeling up to cooking tonight. However, I ended up making a quick and easy dish for dinner like this delicious rice dish but I made it with sardines instead of cod fish.

 It's Friday, so why not whip up something simple and savor the evening!

Today, I have a kitchen tip that I'm sure you'll find useful for your food shopping adventures. I've been using plastic produce bags, which you can find for free in the fresh produce area of the supermarket, to package meat. This helps prevent spillage over other products in the shopping cart and keeps the freezer at home much tidier.

What kind of tricks or tips do you have for making food shopping, and storing food products safer and more organized?

Have a blessed weekend :)