Teapot and Teacup Cupcakes

En Español

Every month and every day are special to celebrate our loved ones. Since May has its specialty to celebrate mothers around the world, I try to program myself to do something special for moms to share with the blog readers. This time I made these cupcakes beauties!

As a child I remember always seeing a teapot full of coffee on the top center of the stove at home. It always was full of fresh brewed coffee. My mom always brewed coffee in the mornings and afternoons and left the teapot on the stove so that my father would have it ready to serve as many times as he pleased. Coffee was one of the first things I learned to make for my mom and my dad, and is one of the recipes I cherish. For some it may seem as a simple recipe, but for Latinos, the café has to be colado to perfection.

Mothers are special and there is so much we have to thank them for and remember them. I wonder why so many times our memories of moms are of recipes and food. Could it be because moms cook with love?

Kitchens and recipes are intertwined with many fond memories of aromas, flavors and techniques of making different dishes from our grandmothers and mothers. My mom's delicious cuisine is my inspiration for cooking delicious meals, especially Dominican dishes. She is a very special person in my life and I am forever grateful for all the good teachings and virtues. I want to be like her, but I always wonder how my mom can do everything she does for my brothers and I, for my father when he was alive, and now for her grandchildren. I feel like it is impossible, the determination, dedication, and energy that we have today is not the same as our mothers have.

I would spend many whole afternoons to thank all the beautiful things mom has given me throughout the years. I will forever keep them in my mind, in my heart and in my way of being. We are miles away, but soon we’ll be drinking a cup of coffee together. May God continue to bless with many years of health and life.

I know that for many of us teacup and teapot fill us with fond memories of the kitchens of our mothers and our grandmothers. This is the reason why I wanted to share these teapot and teacup cupcakes this month. For me it's a blessing to be able to do this type of sweet creations for clients, friends, family, and especially for my daughters, who are my reason to celebrate every day as my mother's day!


"Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." -Proverbs 31:28-30

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