Cashews are not just nuts ... their fruit is great for making a delicious marmalade like dessert. The cashew is a fruit that is mainly consumed for its nut, but its fruit is still coveted by many. This is the third time I prepare this cashew Dominican dessert. As I had said in this post, my aunt Fresa makes a delicious "dulce de cajuil". She always make some for us, but this time she brought a bag full of this fruit and I decided to make some dulce to my taste ... with little sugar.
this fruit has a variety of names. A few of the names it is known as in countries that visit this blog are the following: in Spain it is known as anacardo, in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile as castaña de cajú, in Peru and Mexico, Colombia, and rest of Central America known as marañón, in Venezuela as merey, and Puerto Rico as pajuil.
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