Delicious Corn Pudding Recipe: A Sweet and Creamy Southern Delight for Every Occasion

Corn Pudding recipe

Enjoy the Authentic Corn Pudding: A Southern Delight for Every Occasion.

Corn Pudding is a genuine recipe from the Southern United States that becomes a perfect delight to accompany chicken, turkey, ham, or roast pork (pernil). This straightforward preparation stands out as an ideal choice for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. The first time I prepared this recipe for Thanksgiving, my husband was captivated by this dish. Its charm was so irresistible that it quickly became a tradition for our family celebrations and even our barbecue days!

Today, it is one of our favorite dishes, and I am excited to share with you this Southern recipe that has conquered our taste buds and become a classic in our festivities. Discover how to make this authentic Corn Pudding and add a Southern touch to your celebrations and family gatherings. I guarantee it will become a beloved choice at your table!

Corn Pudding 

This is not the dessert Majarete recipe. It is a savory side dish.

5 to 7 fresh corn cobs or 2 cans of corn (850 g)
⅓ cup sugar (65 g)
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
3 eggs 1 cup milk (120 g)
1 cup half-and-half or cream (237 ml)
3 tablespoons melted unsalted butter (43 g)
½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
2 Tablespoons cornstarch 

1. Grease an 8x11.5-inch PYREX baking dish. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

2. Cut the corn from the cob, slicing from top to bottom. Halve the corn grains and scrape the remaining kernels. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can use canned corn; you'll need 2 cans of corn.

3. In a large bowl, combine the corn, sugar, and salt. Add the three lightly beaten eggs, milk with dissolved cornstarch, cream, and butter; stir until thoroughly combined.

4. Transfer the mixture into the greased PYREX baking dish. Sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg. Place the dish in a water bath and bake at 350°F (175°C) for 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. The result will be akin to a gel or custard, with a buttery soft-set texture, offering a delightful sweetness.

thanksgiving side dish

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Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right. - Proverbs 22:6 

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